Computer science lesson plan
Computer Science - Class:3rd - Lesson:12 Real time program 1.

Purpose: Students learn to use and write computer code through games. Learn directions by (arrows) (course A).

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required (Unplugged activity)Paper, Pencil or Pen.

Curriculum Content
  • (5.3) Loop
  • (4.1) Direction
  • Prior knowledge

    Students should be familiar with the use of mouse and keyboard.



    • Write the code way (arrows) to find the treasure / fruit in the maze game examples below
    • Example 1

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      Example 2

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  • Link to view the solution.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Help the students, draw a grid on the floor or take xerox and give it to the students to play.
    2. Help students to make moves using arrows, for the Smiley to reach to the fruit.
    3. Check if the students’ code (left/right/up/down arrows) works fine and reaches the final destination.
    4. Assist students remove any issues and fix them until their code works properly.
    5. Ensure that all students in the group understand directions and the entire exercise.
    6. Help students use different directions to reach the destination.